Thursday, January 20, 2011

And I ran, I ran so far awaaaaaay...

Lovely and wonderful readers, I'm sorry I haven't been around all week.  I have been doing...not well, not bad.  Running every day (even if some days it's less than half a mile), but it's hard to keep my calorie deficit where I want it.  It's like, I burn a few hundred more calories and I feel like I want to eat about eight hundred extra.  It's awful!!

The running, however, is going all right.  I am slow, not in the way that everyone says "oh I'm so slow" but in the way that I am actually slower running than walking.  I'm not opposed to being slow in general, but I'm annoyed at not seeing an improvement.  I finished week 1 of couch to 5k, meaning I've REALLY gone out to run three times.  And it may sound dumb but I'm sitting here annoyed that I haven't improved at all.  I know I know, running three times isn't exactly a huge amount of training (or even a habit, really).  Still, it would have been cool if after the last time I had made it even a tenth of a mile farther in the same amount of time.

Beyond running I haven't been up to anything but party planning.  I got my mask ordered, got together a bunch of other things and in true OCD fashion I made a wonderful and extremely detailed to do list for myself.  On the weight loss front, a big nothing has changed since the last time I posted - so disappointing!!

I wish I had a better update for you.  Something interesting to say, perhaps.  I'm swamped at work and the stress follows me home.  Nothing very serious, just a lot of little things.  But enough that I'm struggling to keep up with life right now much less blogging.  I'll try!  I miss you all when I'm gone :) hope you are all having wonderful weeks!!

ps, I gave up on giving up coffee - however I am keeping it down to 2 cups per week!  And...trying to save them for the weekend too, it's going pretty well!


Joanna said...

I know how you feel with the running. My pace time is all over the place - but I've decided to not let it bother me.

As long as I'm out, trying, I know that eventually my pace will improve. I've decided to start going a further distance...that makes me feel better.

Keep up the great work - and we miss you too!!

Natalia said...

I hope work gets better and less stressful! Hang in!!!

Shabby Chic Mom said...

Hi, new follower. We r neighbors ;)
what a great clog, love the cake theme. Hang in there on the running, it will get easier!

Roxie Morrow said...

Sorry to hear that you're not so pleased about your running schedule. I'm not a runner, but I'm sure it will get easier once you get the hang of it.
It's started that way with me with lifting weights. I had a very slow start, but once I put in the time and concentrated effort, I got stronger and was able to lift more. It made me feel so strong.
Keep running, you got this!!!


Anonymous said...

I want to run again! I haven't even been doing my Zumba! I've been so tired after work and dinner and kids and dogs and fish that I do nothing at all. That's not getting me into the skinny me that I know exists :-/ You're motivating me...keep up the great work, and never trivialize anything you do, especially sticking with a new running routine!!!!

Alexia said...

adorable layout! i'm a new reader, too. and i agree with susie, it will get easier, it just has to :)) i love hearing about other people's running life b/c i'd love to start running someday, too. have a great weekend!

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