Saturday, August 7, 2010

Creative Cardio...and Temptation

Don't forget the Bodybugg giveaway!  Two more days!!

And there's another giveaway for a CSN gift certificate at Fat Like Me - which is a blog you should be reading anyway because it's one of my favorites!!

I am trying something new this morning - black coffee.  When we went to Hawaii in April, Husbandcake bought some fabulous Kona coffee that is all supposed to be coconut-y and creamy.  Let me let you in on a little secret.  If you don't like black just don't like black coffee.  And since I'm trying not to have any more 200 calorie cups of coffee I guess I am just going to have to make it a very rare treat.

Here is how I did yesterday:
Burned 2687 calories
Consumed 1477 calories
Deficit of 1210 calories

Why am I waking up EVERY MORNING feeling great?!! I love it love it love it!!!!

Today I am doing some more of my creative cardio that I love so much.  Sadly, no cardio shopping but I am doing some crocheting with fabulous ladies and some cardio cleaning.  The last time I spent a couple of hours cleaning out the garage I burned the same as walking a 5K.  I don't want to do too much because I'm thinking tomorrow is likely to be one of my 3000 calories burned days and I definitely don't want to tire myself out.

I know I repeat myself a lot but I just love finding creative ways to burn calories.  Exercising is not my thing.  I feel great after a walk, of course but making my way through even a half hour workout video I get so bored.  Plus I love giving myself credit for doing things like sitting and chatting with friends but still keeping my hands busy and moving.

However...related to chatting today I am having a problem that I'm going to need to get over soon.  I'm becoming scared of going out to places where there is food or high calorie anything.  Maybe I'm scared of temptation, that I don't have the drive that I feel I should.  My knitting group is meeting at a coffee shop and I'm nervous that I won't be able to avoid the sweet coffees and fabulous pastries.  My goal is to have unsweetened iced tea and no snacks (well maybe I will bring some carrot sticks to extra-avoid temptation).  I love that so far I've really stuck to veggie-type snacks and I want to keep that going strong!!

A coffee shop is hopefully a good place to start, I can work my way up to greasy salty food establishments in time.  Maybe even someday walk into a bakery...haha.

Besides, my fingers will be all busy like making a blanket so I hopefully won't have time to think about delicious things I'm not eating.  I can do this!!


karen said...

The LAST thing you want to have ucking up the blanket is sticky powdery sugary crap from whatever baked goods they might sell. Eeeeew :)

I can't do unsweetened tea, though, unless it's a hot herbal. I just don't like tea enough and need either the flavor or the sweetness!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ky the trick to unsweetend anything is flavor. Instead of just with a wedge of try Orange wedge Or if sweet is what you crave try Peach wedge but it has to be almost over ripe (just before)I have a friend that will cut up Fig and mix it in her tea. Its pretty good actually.


Raegun said...

I love the idea of Creative Cardio. It's nice to incorporate exercise into your every day life. I have a planned run with my friend this evening, but also plan to gather up some clothing donations and clean house beforehand for some extra calories.
Have fun crocheting! I just learned how to knit and have really enjoyed finding a new way to keep my hands busy. I love all things crafty.

CJ said...

Love the concept of creative cardio! I am trying it out right now. Its a great way to lose extra cals

Karen said...

I enjoy reading about how you find creative ways to burn calories!

I can relate to your fear of going out to places where there is much fattening yumminess - I look forward to the day where I can tell myself, "Pastries! I don't need no stinkin' pastries!"

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