Let’s start off with The Bad. Get it out of the way. I told you in my September goals that I was going to track my food all month no matter what. Well friends, that I did. I tracked this whole week and we’ll get to what exactly I ate this week later, but instead of typing it all out I have decided to just give you an average of the first six days of this month.
On average, I burned 2363.5 calories per day.
On average, I consumed 1864 calories per day.
On average, I had a deficit of 499.5 calories per day.
Heh heh, quite the change from normal, right? We’ll talk about that later. Anyway it’s not the numbers that are bad. It’s the fact that I logged them almost all into my Bodybugg last night. I just had been writing on scraps of paper everything I ate, not paying attention to or adding up the numbers and calories or any of that. Not good! The point of tracking is to know how you’re DOING not how you DID. At least it is for me. I’ll get better. I’ve already logged everything I ate today!
On to The Scary, there’s actually a reason I haven’t been around to post or comment on all of your wonderful blogs. When I’ve been at home, I’ve been with my puppy Chips. The poor guy is hurt. And we all know how I can get when my dogs are hurt. Ok, something odd just happened to me. Thought I was ready to write about him and what is going on but as I’ve suddenly gone crazy emotional over it, I guess not. I’ll get there and let you guys know what happened when I do. He’s doing well now, and he’s perfectly happy so it’s nothing too bad, just a bit frightening to a worrier like me!
Let’s do the Weigh In next…so that we can end on good. I weighed in yesterday even though I didn’t post, so here goes.
Last week’s weight: 190.2
Yesterday’s weight: 193.0
(Just for kicks, this morning the scale surprised me with a lovely 194.4)
Pounds gained this week: 2.8
You’d think I’d be sad. However the surprise for you is that my weigh in? Is also The Good I spoke of. I read a lot of blogs that talk about binges and regret. What I did, I don’t know if I can call it a binge. I gave the unhealthy food a limited amount of time in my life. I ate glorious food in small amounts, and the best part was that I lost that feeling I was getting for so long. The feeling of “you better enjoy it and eat as much as you can, because THIS is all you’re getting this week” – it’s gone. I knew that all week I was going to have glorious food leading up to my return to CAKE yesterday.
I want to share with you all that just like my other gain since I started this blog – it was worth. Every. Ounce. Every GRAM, every bite, everything was worth it. From the Chinese food to the fancy dinner, to the bread and butter, to the PASTA! And when I went to bed last night I was ready to go back to my healthy life. Actually the interesting thing is that last night I ate too quickly, and it really upset me. We were out to dinner with two of our best friends and everything was good from the conversation to the tomato sauce, and I just ate without thinking and had too much too fast. I was so annoyed with myself, feeling like my desire to eat was preventing me from enjoying such a nice meal, and it made me realize that too much of a good thing, especially food, is actually a really bad thing. Someday I know I will have a better balance. I am working on a relationship with food that doesn’t make me feel like a crazy hoarder, but until then my treats are going to have to be severely structured in weeks off and the like. All in all though, no real complaints. It was a delicious week!
Events and outing-wise it was a great week for me to be off of my healthy habits! Saturday I went to my fabulous knitting group and had a great time before meeting friends for wine tasting and cheese-laden tapas. My sister’s best friend and his boyfriend were in town and they are just really, really fun people! We only were able to hang out for a little while but I wish we had had longer, we had never been wine tasting in Livermore before (it’s so tough to NOT go to Napa when it’s so close!) but we will definitely be going back.

Also if you guys read this, come BACK Greg and Patrick and bring my sister and Brigitte along!
Then Sunday we were at the Scottish games, due to my dad wanting to hang a bit with other Clan MacAlister folk and I just cannot stay away from those games. Throwing logs, rocks, tin cans, whatever else they can think of – I mean it’s an awesome time. I absolutely love going and rooting for my boy
Harrison Bailey III.
So why do I root for this guy year after year? Well besides the fact that he’s AWESOME and wins a lot, and holds a couple of world records in “throwing stuff over a bar” – he’s a vice principal, and I just feel like that is the awesomest thing a teacher/principal/authority figure can do on the weekends – toss logs and carry heavy suitcases between two cones. Love it!
Yesterday was a fiasco. We figured out the night before, that the cupcake place I was so excited about is closed on Mondays. Why we had not looked at their hours of operation is beyond me. After a long and boring story we ended up eating lunch locally and trying to go to a different cupcake place, which turned out to be closed for Labor Day, and then finally drove into Walnut Creek to go to a place we had been to before and is good.
Ok so it's not a cupcake so much as a cupcake parfait, but it was the pinkest thing they had!
The always-fabulous Erin put together a second prize pack for my winning the Biggest Winner, including the girliest headband ever, which I have to admit I have been eyeing since like April. It was PERFECT for the occasion!
it's like a big flower on my head...what could possibly be more girly?
And finally, the oddest part of the day. Have I outgrown cake? I couldn’t finish it!!!
Wow, looking at the picture it looks like I probably ate less than half!!
What is going on with me?! However I did get two cupcakes for Husbandcake and I to each have one for dessert…but I did not come close to finishing that one either! I figure all together I had one cupcake lol.
But soooo much credit has to go to the wonderful Erin for trying SO hard to get me the cupcake I desperately wanted! You should all also know that today is Erin’s birthday, so I think you should all leave comments wishing her an amazing day because she is a really special person. Happy birthday friend!!!!! I can’t even express in words how happy I am, even after the crazy cupcake day fiasco, that we are friends.
What a long blog post. You see what happens when I don’t post regularly? I have too much to report to you all!